AGGIES ARTICLES - Term 2 Week 3 - Friday 7 May 2021
LEADERSHIP REPORT - Ginaya Yarnold, Donna Sprague and Kate de Bressac
SPORTS REPORT - Craig Brazel
CANTEEN NEWS - Rebecca Rissel
Term 2 - Week 4
Mon 10 May |
Tue 11 May |
Wed 12 May |
Thur 13 May |
Fri 14 May |
Dates For The Diary
Sun 16 May |
Mon 17 May |
Tue 25 May |
Wed 26 May |
Wed 16 June |
Several sayings from this week's Gospel (John 15:9 - 17) are simple, beautiful reminders for us in how to live our lives.. “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you”; “Love one another as I have loved you”; “A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends”; “I shall not call you servants any more . . . I call you friends”
To be witnesses of Christ's love: In faith, culture, educational excellence and hope for the future.
St Agnes' as a Parish School community is committed to:
- Modelling the life and teachings of Jesus based on our Catholic Tradition
- The development of a culture founded on respect and nourished through the continued building of relationships
- Creating a welcoming, friendly and safe environment, where life and growth is recognised and celebrated
- Encouraging and challenging all to achieve their personal best by fostering positive attitudes to learning and catering for individual differences
- Preparing individuals with skills, knowledge and values to live successfully today and into the future
Dear Parents and Carers
On Wednesday St Agnes’ staff had the privilege of participating in a Diocesan wide Proclaim Day celebration. Throughout the day we listened to renowned speakers on Catholic faith and Church issues being faced currently and pathways for catholic education into the future. Our guest speakers were Fr Richard Leonard, Father Frank Brennan and Brother David Hall. Staff listened to their presentations and analysed where we sit as a school community and how we can navigate students and families through these challenges into the future. The most reverend Bishop Homeming concluded the Proclaim presentation with the most beautiful message that all children (and our community) need to feel loved, that they belong and have a strong sense of identity. Staff within our parish then joined together for Mass at St Agnes’ Church to celebrate Faith into the Future.
This Sunday we pay tribute to all mothers and mother figures. Mothers Day is the day we celebrate the women who raised us. They dedicate their lives to us, they’re selfless yet strong, they’re affectionate and protective… It goes without saying that being a mother is one of the toughest, most rewarding jobs out there. But one day isn’t enough to show our gratitude for all their hard work and sacrifices to make us happy, safe, and well. They do so much for us, and sometimes, we don’t even realise that. So the least we can do is honor them whenever we get the chance.
Sunday is dedicated to every mother and mother figure out there. We hope they’ll have the best day with their loved ones, filled with love and joy! They deserve it!
It was lovely to share the special Kindergarten Mother's Day prayer as a school community this morning. We were so lucky to have so many of our Kinder Mum's join us. A special mention to Mrs Elise Gardiner (Parent of Anna, Lucas and Myles) who assisted with the ordering delivery and preparation of the 500 plus flowers for our families today. There will also be a special email arrival for our special loved ones, but please don't open this file until Sunday morning.
To every mother who spent the night awake by her sick child, nursing them and taking care of them. To every mother who always worries about their family’s safety other than their own. To every mother doing the best they can to please their children, whether by making them their favourite food, or planning the best next vacation.
To every mother who worked extra hours in order to provide everything for her children so they wouldn’t miss a thing, not even the smallest ones. To every mother supporting their children in every decision they make and encourage them to be the best version of themselves every day.
To every mother who raised a child alone, or children who aren’t of her own.
To every mother who became one without a baby.
To every mother who left us, but still resides in our hearts.
You are our home, our precious ones. Without you, we’re nothing.
You are the light that guides us through the darkness. You are the love that fills our hearts and keeps us moving. You are the beauty that the world needs.
No matter what happens, and no matter what trouble we face, your smile is what helps us get through the day. We would do anything to protect it and cherish you. We love you, and appreciate everything you’ve done for us.
Happy Mothers Day to all of you marvellous women. You simply deserve all what’s beautiful in life!
St Agnes' Golf Day
We appreciate the contribution our school community is making to support the annual St Agnes’ Golf day. Spots are still available for teams to register for this fun event and volunteers are needed to help make the day a success. Thank you so much to all of our families and community members who have so generously donated prizes for the day.
This week a donation of $300 was given to the flood appeal. Money raised came from Mother’s day purchases through Craft for Service. Thanks to Aunty Michelle and her band of generous crafty students who make these fabulous gifts through lunch times and to our families who purchase these fabulous items. Bath bombs, resin decorated mirrors, earrings, fridge magnets etc are still available for purchase beyond Mother’s Day. Next week we move on to creating new exciting items for purchase in the coming weeks.
A reminder to our Year 3 and Year 5 families that NAPLAN is next week. The schedule below shows the dates and times of our test sittings. Any children who are absent will have the opportunity to participate in catch up tests in Week 5. All of the tests are now online, with the exception of Year 3 Writing. We ask all families to please check that their child still has a working pair of headphones, to ensure a smooth process during this time. Please do not feel that you need to do anything extra to prepare for the NAPLAN assessments, all your child needs is plenty of sleep, a healthy lunch and a positive understanding that it is just a snapshot of their learning at this time. Any NAPLAN questions can be directed to your class teacher or Kate de Bressac.
Tuesday 11 May | Wednesday 12 May | Thursday 13 May |
9:30am Writing |
9:30am Reading 12:00pm Conventions of Language |
9:30am Numeracy |
Walk Safely To School Day
We're Taking It In Our Stride On Friday 14 May 2021
Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn't realistic for many of us, you can build a walk into your family's daily routine.
Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes, it also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. To help children develop vital road crossing skills children up to the age of 10 years should hold an adult's hand when crossing the road.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids, so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 14 May 2021!
For more information, visit
Safe On Social
The Catholic School’s Parent Assembly, on behalf of St Agnes’ Parish Schools, have secured Kirra Pendergast, from Safe on Social, to speak with parents and guardians on the topic of Parenting and Cyber Safety. This seminar to be held at MacKillop Senior College at the Lochinvar Centre on Wednesday 19 May at 6:00pm will provide parents and guardians with ‘the most in-depth and current online safety education’ to support the development of young people as safe, responsible and ethical users of digital technologies.
This seminar is particularly relevant to our senior primary grades, as we have had several issues regarding social media posts. Flyers were sent home with all Year 5 and 6 students earlier this week. For families who did not receive this or for more information please click on this link HERE.
- This week we thank God for the gift that Diya Jacob in Year 5 has been to our school community since joining us 2 years ago. She has been a most polite, friendly and generous member of St Agnes’. We particularly appreciate her generosity this year in giving up her lunch time for “Craft for Service”.
- Seeing so many of our students, especially the senior grades entering the spirit of our dress up day last week.
- Listening to our Year 6 students share their excitement about High School interviews.
- Thank God for Ella Ritchie from Kindergarten, who on leaving our Mother's Day prayer this morning, found a flower that had been dropped by a parent. Ella was most concerned that a parent would miss out on receiving a flower, so she handed it into the office to pass onto someone else.
Diocesan Rugby Union Challenge
Preparations have begun for the Diocesan Rugby Union Challenge. Students have expressed their interest and a very basic training session has been held to introduce some of the novices to the intricacies of the game. We thank Shane Joyce who coaches the Hastings Valley Vikings and the Mid North-Coast Axemen Representative Rugby teams for coming on board to help prepare the team. We can’t wait to tap into his expertise. The final team will be selected next week.
Athletics Carnival
Preparations have begun for our school athletics carnival which will be held on Wednesday 16 June. Our heroic and excellent groundsman Dave, has marked out the track so that students can start to practice the 100m and 200m sprint, and the middle distance events. We will be sending out communication shortly, and we are hoping to welcome back parents as helpers as well as spectators, for this event. A highlight of this event is always the teacher vs student relay. Students can expect to see the likes of Miss Miller, among others, on the track at lunchtimes, in a hope to put previous attempts at this event behind them.
All students will be participating in specialised golf clinics in the coming weeks. We are hoping to expose the students to this sport, and who knows, we may uncover our very own Dustin Johnson or Jin Young Ko.
If you are interested in helping out with any of our sporting pursuits, please contact Parental involvement is a wonderful way to build school and family connections, and we encourage partnerships of this nature. We have a wonderful parent community who have a wealth of expertise that we could use to increase our students participation in physical activities. However, expertise is not a prerequisite for getting involved; an extra set of hands is always useful!
Does your child want to play Soccer?
Port Saints currently have teams who require players in the following ages:
U8 Mixed
U10 Girls
U12 Girls
U12 Mixed
Port Saints are a wonderful club and have a close relationship with all the Parish Schools. Email if you are interested or have any questions.
Does your child want to play Rugby Union?
All Port Macquarie Junior Rugby Union clubs (Hastings Valley Vikings, Port Pirates and Port Macquarie Hogs) are looking for players in the U10s (children turning 9 and 10 this year) and the U12s (Children turning 11 and 12 this year). This is open to both boys and girls. Games are held at the same time at Stuart Park on a Friday night. Contact if you have any questions.
Do you have a junior sporting team that requires players? Are you part of a sporting club that is looking to increase numbers and promote your organisation? Do you have a child that wants to join a team or play a sport, but don’t know where to start? Do you have an adult team that requires players and want to put the word out to our parent community? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then please send an email to explaining what you require.
We have plenty more sport coming up including our athletics carnival towards the end of the term, as well as specialised golf coaching for all students. If you have any news, suggestions, or feedback on anything sportwise in the school, we would love to hear from you. Please email
Centred In Christ and With Love For One Another, St Agnes’ Learners are:
300 Dojo Awards:
A big CONGRATULATIONS to our first recipient of 300 dojos for 2021
2JW - Makayla Dickson
200 Dojo Awards:
Congratulations to the following students who have received 200 dojos this week for following our 4 R’s at St Agnes'.
1B - Eli McEntyre and Ivy Gleeson
2JW - Ava Schneider, Emily Krizanec and Grace Lombardo
2M - Georgina Foot
2W - Elise Galbraith-Robertson and Emme Constantine
5C - Abigail Byrne and Georgie Mulder
100 Dojo Awards:
Congratulations to the following students who have received 100 dojos this week for following our 4 R’s at St Agnes'.
KE - Charlee Tate
KJ - Amirah Taylor, Ava Rangel and Brooklyn Borger
2M - Kobi Westley and Lilyana Packer
3O - Avinav Sivaraj, Ethan Burdoe, Hayley Grogan, Lorcan Byrne and Reid Doyle
4A - Oliver Walters
4NS - Fletcher Taylor, Hudson Sprague and Olivia Edwards
4T - Antonia McEntyre, Harvey Gosling, Kaiden Ovington, Kaylee McIntosh, Sam Clifton, Spencer Galafassi-Barnes and Summer Baker
6B - Ava Ribot de Bressac and Charlotte McEntyre
6E - Bryson Galleghan, Luke Everson and Olive Andersen
TUESDAY | Emma Schuch |
WEDNESDAY | Linda Smith and Briony Clark |
THURSDAY | Susae Kepars and Ellyce Ovington |
FRIDAY | Robyn Hunt, Kristy Judge and HELP PLEASE |
Hello Families
Wasn’t it lovely being back in the school joining our children for lunches and story time reading last week. It was so wonderful to see so many smiling faces on both the children and adults. Celebrating 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia was a fantastic way to round off the week. We know we had some interesting discussions in our house about what school was like in the ‘olden days’. We hope your children enjoyed dressing up as much as ours did.
The St Agnes' famous Golf Day will be held next weekend. The committee has been working tirelessly to get everything organised for this event. There is still time to enter your team to help support our school so get on board. If you are unable to play, we still need volunteers to help support our golfers throughout the day. Please let the office ladies know if you are available to help even just for an hour during the day.
Finally we would like to wish all the mothers and mother figures out there an amazing day on Sunday. Your strength and commitment to your families has been tested again and again over the last few years. You are amazing and we are incredibly proud of you all. Happy Mothers Day!!!
Leasa Harris and Erin Elliott
0409 467 898
Don't forget to keep an eye out on our Facebook page